This year's Pies Against Cancer Party will take place on the afternoon of May 6. I'll be sending out invites soon. I'm also pleased to announce that this year I will be raising money for Sloan-Kettering Memorial Cancer Center, the hospital that (successfully!) treated my Mom's cancer. They are good people, and I hope you will join me in supporting them.
They have helped me set up a fundraising page here:
While the party is weeks away, I want to get encourage you all to start thinking about what kind of pie you would like to sponsor. If you need ideas, just scroll down and look at the previous entries. For those who have not yet been lucky enough to come to a Pies Against Cancer party, here's the drill: you can sponsor a pie for $31.42 (ten times pi - geddit? Math humor, people, math humor). If you sponsor a pie, I will bake the pie of your choice. You can have the pie at the party and take home any leftovers, or I can bake it for you later. Let me know which you prefer.
In housekeeping notes, the good folks at MSKCC asked me to post this so that you will know what it means to raise money for them: When mentioning the MSKCC name, be sure to include a clear statement that: (a) the name is used with permission, which does not constitute endorsement of any product or service; (b) MSKCC’s sole role is as beneficiary of the event, (c) you are the presenter of the event, and (d) MSKCC is not responsible or liable for any aspect of the event. Such materials must also include the following statement about the mission of MSKCC:
As one of the nation’s premier cancer centers, Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center (MSKCC) is committed to exceptional patient care, leading-edge research, and superb educational programs. The close collaboration between its physicians and scientists is one of the Center’s unique strengths. Such collaborations enable MSKCC to provide patients with the best care available today as they work to discover more effective strategies to prevent, control, and ultimately cure cancer in the future.
Sounds good to me, right?
See you in May, with pie!